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Plant Tours
August 19
Big Bolt
140 Covington Dr
Bloomingdale, IL 60108
Reserve a time using the Signup Genius or email Kathy Allen at kallen@gobigbolt.com
Hours: 10am-2pm
Sign Up Link:
910 Stiles Dr
Addison, IL 60101
Reserve a time slot using signup genius or email Matt Delawder at matt@swdinc.com
Hours: 10am-2pm
Sign Up Link:
Morgan O’Hare
701 Factory Rd
Addison, IL 60101
Hours: 10am-2pm
Please email Joan Sosinski at jsosinski@morganohare.com.
XL Screw
195 Schelter Rd
Lincolnshire, IL 60069
Hours: 3pm-5pm with last guest arrival at 4:30pm.
Please email Wayne Wishnew at wwishnew@xlscrew.com to reserve a spot.