Mid-West Fastener Association Introduction
(Incorporated 1946)
A membership with connections that hold the world together, the Mid-West Fastener Association is one of the oldest fastener associations in the United States. For over 75 years, the association has expanded and evolved from a small local group, to the largest regional fastener association in the industry with members from coast to coast. The Midwest market has the largest concentration of fastener related firms in the USA. MWFA activities have drawn members, as well as the fastener industry at large, to our dinner meetings, Educational Seminars, annual Fastener Expo & Trade Shows, the industry’s largest Golf Outing, and many other programs, from all over the world.
The MWFA has awarded over 600 scholarships to date, to members, spouses and their children, totaling in excess of $850,000. View our Fall ’21 Newsletter online to read about our most recent scholarship recipients as well as our milestone 75th Anniversary Celebration. As a result of national interest, the MWFA has adjusted its programs to reflect our commitment to growth and service to the whole fastener industry. Dinner meetings cover specific subjects and problems facing our industry as well as universal subjects of general interest to all companies. Dinner meetings are held in several major regional cities with additional cities added as membership increases across the Midwest.
As a leader in the fastener industry, the MWFA continues to focus on educational programs as MWFA defines “Education” as its’ number 1 priority. Our programs provide unsurpassed fastener industry training, utilizing industry experts with decades of experience offering extensive knowledge and hands on training to attendees.
MWFA members are afforded many opportunities for education, networking and relevant industry information, all of which have helped establish and sustain the success of the MWFA. The MWFA is also a member of the Fastener Industry Coalition, participating and gathering information from a National perspective and providing that information back to our members.
Mission Statement
(adopted 01-09-2007)
The MWFA’s purpose is to serve and promote the fastener industry and the ever changing needs of its membership. Specifically, the MWFA is dedicated to representing all segments of the industry: manufacturers, distributors, importers and suppliers to the industry.
Our Goals
Education - MWFA’s by-line is “Where Education is a Priority”
The MWFA hosts at least four educational events a year mainly through seminar format but also through plant tours (hosted by member companies). The value of education is priceless. More knowledge awards more opportunity which awards increased success.
Providing Value to the Industry - Meeting on a regular basis, the Board of Directors spends an excessive amount of time researching and discussing necessary topics to be expanded on for the industry’s benefit.
Industry Relations - Creating programs, in conjunction with other industry and industry related associations, has proven to be successful. This allows additional programs, to be presented, which assist the industry in better serving the needs of their customers and companies.
Membership Appreciation - Associations are built on their membership. MWFA membership is not taken for granted but appreciated for the continuing growth and recognition it allows the MWFA. It is the membership which has made the MWFA a leader in the industry.
Scholarships - The MWFA gives back to the industry by using a large part of their income, for the year, to present scholarships.
We strive to continue building on our goals. The Mid-West Fastener Association is a not for profit association serving the fastener industry.
It all started at the card table
1946 - 2021
Shortly after WWII, a group of business owners: Howard Langdon, Manny Slutzky, Ly Nathan and Al Granat met on a golf course on the outskirts of town nestled along a quaint suburb of Chicago, Illinois. Here they began to Network. Solving the world’s problems, bantering back and forth, tossing ideas out one by one. After their round they assembled as they often did in the club house where there, they began to indulge in their favorite cigar and spirits while playing a not so friendly game of cards. Here the Chicago Bolt Nut and Screw Association (CBNSA) was born.
Now the early days of the Association was simply put, an old boys club. Business Owners from distributors/manufacturers of fastening related products in which serviced the Chicagoland and Rockford area. Sharing best business practices. No employees or purchasing agents allowed in fear of rival companies stealing individuals or information from one another.
In 1963, a division of the CBNSA called the Purchasing Agents Group was formed. This allowed employees of member companies from the CBNSA to get together and discuss strategy, contacts, operations and above all else, leveraging purchasing power. The card games, still business owners ONLY.
In 1981, the good ol’ boy club was all but gone, the purchasing agents group absolved and the CBNSA became the networking, fun loving, social yet educational platform you see today.
In 2001 our small little association network of four companies grew to over two hundred members strong. Now servicing nine states covering the majority of the Midwest, the decision to change our name was made. Mid-West Fastener Association.